FAQ: le domande su come funziona la formazione su Isplora


If i’m not an AIA member, can i still complete ISPLORA's professional courses?

Yes, lessons are open to anyone interested in learning from architecture. ISPLORA’s courses allow you to obtain continuing education credits as members of the AIA or any other international professional associations which accept AIA approved CES courses.

Do i need to understand italian to follow the lesson?

No, all lessons are in English, except for the interviews of foreign language speaking consultants which are subtitled in English.

Will i automatically earn the credit after watching the live stream?

The professional credit (CES) will be assigned only after watching 100% of the live stream.
While viewing, you will have to confirm your virtual presence through specific verification pop-ups.
After watching the live stream and having complied with the terms mentioned above, the user will be sent a certificate of completion by email, along with the confirmation that the process of submitting the professional credit earned (CES) to Imateria has been taken care of.
Please note that you will need to self report any credits you want to apply to any other professional organization that is not the AIA.

How can i inform the AIA about the credit/s i achieve?

The user does not need to inform the AIA (American Institute of Architects).
Once the certificate of completion has been sent by email, ISPLORA will enter the credits obtained (LU/HSW Hour) into the AIA (American Institute of Architects) portal.
It is still recommended that you download and keep a copy of the certificate of completion you received by email.

Can i get credits completing the same lesson more than once?

The ISPLORA portal memorizes the credits (LU / HSW Hour) the user has obtained in the past, thus is does not allow to take the same quiz again if it has already been successfully completed.
Also, the AIA (American Institute of Architects) does not allow to earn more than one credit (CES) by taking part in the same course.

In addition to the videos, do you provide any other material?

Each course provides a PDF containing additional project information such as technical drawings, architect's sketches, photos of the construction site, etc.

Will it be possible to access the content of the live stream once the session has finished?

Yes, at the end of the live session the multimedia content will be available as an on-demand video (vod) in the section “Our films”, associated to the relevant film.

Do on-demand videos offer credits?

The viewing of on-demand videos (vod) is not valid for the obtainment of credits (CES).

Can i record multimedia content offered by ISPLORA?

No, all the content provided by the platform is protected under copyright law.


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